سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مشهد


Protective effect of silymarin against chemical-induced cardiotoxicity

صفحه 916-923
Bibi Marjan Razavi؛ Gholamreza Karimi


Association of morphine-induced analgesic tolerance with changes in gene expression of GluN1 and MOR1 in rat spinal cord and midbrain

صفحه 924-931
Shamseddin Ahmadi؛ Fatemeh Miraki؛ Jalal Rostamzadeh


The effect of oral and intraurethral trimetazidine use on urethral healing

صفحه 932-939
Ali Ayyildiz؛ Sema Nur Ayyildiz؛ Erdal Benli؛ Havva Erdem؛ Selma Cirrik؛ Tevfik Noyan؛ R. Cankon Germiyanoglu؛ Abdullah Çirakoglu


Apoptosis induction of human endometriotic epithelial and stromal cells by noscapine

صفحه 940-945
Mohammad Rasoul Khazaei؛ Zahra Rashidi؛ Farzaneh Chobsaz؛ Mozafar Khazaei


Recognition and characterization of Erythropoietin binding-proteins in the brain of mice

صفحه 946-952
Reza Kowsari؛ Rezvan Yazdian-Robati؛ Bibi Marjan Razavi؛ Atena Pourtaji؛ Maryam Ghorbani؛ Hediye Moghadam-Omranipour؛ Hossein Hosseinzadeh؛ Parisa Lari؛ Khalil Abnous


Inactivated Mycobacterium phlei inhalation ameliorates allergic asthma through modulating the balance of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T and Th17 cells in mice

صفحه 953-959
Moyu Ming؛ Zhixi Luo؛ Shengqiu Lv؛ Qixiang Sun؛ Chaoqian Li


Protective effect of α-terpineol against impairment of hippocampal synaptic plasticity and spatial memory following transient cerebral ischemia in rats

صفحه 960-969
Mahsa Moghimi؛ Siavash Parvardeh؛ Taraneh Moini Zanjani؛ Shiva Ghafghazi


The Expression implication of GDNF in ventral horn and associated remote cortex in rhesus monkeys with hemisected spinal cord injury

صفحه 970-976
De-Lu Qiu؛ Ting-Hua Wang


Fluvoxamine inhibits some inflammatory genes expression in LPS/stimulated human endothelial cells, U937 macrophages, and carrageenan-induced paw edema in rat

صفحه 977-984
Laleh Rafiee؛ Valiollah Hajhashemi؛ Shaghayegh Haghjooy Javanmard


Immunomodulatory activities of gemifloxacin in mice

صفحه 985-992
Muhammad Umair؛ Aqeel Javeed؛ Aamir Ghafoor؛ Muhammad Ashraf


Anti-inflammatory effect of Yu-Ping-Feng-San via TGF-β1 signaling suppression in rat model of COPD

صفحه 993-1002
Zhong-Shan Yang؛ Jin-Yuan Yan؛ Ni-Ping Han؛ Wei Zhou؛ Yu Cheng؛ Xiao-Mei Zhang؛ Ning Li؛ Jia-Li Yuan


Potentiation of human papilloma vaccine candidate using naloxone/alum mixture as an adjuvant: increasing immunogenicity of HPV-16E7d vaccine

صفحه 1003-1009
Mahsa Yasaghi؛ Mehdi Mahdavi


Prednison provokes serum and vasoactive substances in a mice model of immune thrombocytopenia

صفحه 1010-1015
Ling Zhang؛ Ke Chen؛ Tiantian Li؛ Hao He؛ Li Hou؛ Xiaoyong Wu؛ Yanping Sun؛ Lei Zheng؛ Zhixiong Chen؛ Bei Qin؛ Xinyi Chen؛ Shaodan Tian


Total flavonoid extract from Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. protects rats against myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury

صفحه 1016-1023
Ya Zhang؛ Changsheng Yuan؛ He Fang؛ Jia Li؛ Shanshan Su؛ Wen Chen


Effects of Lycium barbarum. polysaccharide on type 2 diabetes mellitus rats by regulating biological rhythms

صفحه 1024-1030
Rui Zhao؛ Xu Gao؛ Tao Zhang؛ Xing Li