سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مشهد

Zhang, Ling, Chen, Ke, Li, Tiantian, He, Hao, Hou, Li, Wu, Xiaoyong, Sun, Yanping, Zheng, Lei, Chen, Zhixiong, Qin, Bei, Chen, Xinyi, Tian, Shaodan. (1395). Prednison provokes serum and vasoactive substances in a mice model of immune thrombocytopenia. , 19(9), 1010-1015. doi: 10.22038/ijbms.2016.7602
Ling Zhang; Ke Chen; Tiantian Li; Hao He; Li Hou; Xiaoyong Wu; Yanping Sun; Lei Zheng; Zhixiong Chen; Bei Qin; Xinyi Chen; Shaodan Tian. "Prednison provokes serum and vasoactive substances in a mice model of immune thrombocytopenia". , 19, 9, 1395, 1010-1015. doi: 10.22038/ijbms.2016.7602
Zhang, Ling, Chen, Ke, Li, Tiantian, He, Hao, Hou, Li, Wu, Xiaoyong, Sun, Yanping, Zheng, Lei, Chen, Zhixiong, Qin, Bei, Chen, Xinyi, Tian, Shaodan. (1395). 'Prednison provokes serum and vasoactive substances in a mice model of immune thrombocytopenia', , 19(9), pp. 1010-1015. doi: 10.22038/ijbms.2016.7602
Zhang, Ling, Chen, Ke, Li, Tiantian, He, Hao, Hou, Li, Wu, Xiaoyong, Sun, Yanping, Zheng, Lei, Chen, Zhixiong, Qin, Bei, Chen, Xinyi, Tian, Shaodan. Prednison provokes serum and vasoactive substances in a mice model of immune thrombocytopenia. , 1395; 19(9): 1010-1015. doi: 10.22038/ijbms.2016.7602