GhorbanHoseini, Mohammad, Yazdi, Hamidreza, Naseh, Hossein, Hafezi, Poopak. (1394). An Isolated Mass in the Palm, Starting Manifestation of Sarcoidosis. , 4(1), 83-86. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2016.4802
Mohammad GhorbanHoseini; Hamidreza Yazdi; Hossein Naseh; Poopak Hafezi. "An Isolated Mass in the Palm, Starting Manifestation of Sarcoidosis". , 4, 1, 1394, 83-86. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2016.4802
GhorbanHoseini, Mohammad, Yazdi, Hamidreza, Naseh, Hossein, Hafezi, Poopak. (1394). 'An Isolated Mass in the Palm, Starting Manifestation of Sarcoidosis', , 4(1), pp. 83-86. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2016.4802
GhorbanHoseini, Mohammad, Yazdi, Hamidreza, Naseh, Hossein, Hafezi, Poopak. An Isolated Mass in the Palm, Starting Manifestation of Sarcoidosis. , 1394; 4(1): 83-86. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2016.4802
An Isolated Mass in the Palm, Starting Manifestation of Sarcoidosis
1Research Scholar, Harvard Medical School, MA, USA
2Iran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran
3Mashhad University of Medical Sceinces, Mashhad, Iran
4Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Sarcoidosis is a systemic disease that is characterized with noncaseating granulomatous nodules which present in multiple organs specially lungs (90%) . Incidence of masses due to Sarcoidosis in upper extremity is low and most cases present in association with involvement of pulmonary hilary lymph nodes. In this article we present a rare case of Sarcoidosis which presented as a single soft tissue mass in hand without osseous or pulmonary hillary lymph node involvement. Incidence of involvement of musculoskeletal system is 1-5 % , mostly it occurs in small bones in hands and feet. In most cases involvement of soft tissue in extremities is accompanied with bone lesions. Those cases of soft tissue involvement are generally coincide with pulmonary lymph nodules. To the authors knowledge this is the first case of Sarcoidosis that presents without spreading in bones or pulmonary hilar lymph nodes.
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