سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مشهد

Jafarzadeh Esfehani, Reza, Fazel, Nasrin, Dashti, Sareh, Moshkani, Sedigheh, Haghighi Hasanabad, Faezeh, Foji, Samira, Kamalimanesh, Batool. (1394). Female Sexual Dysfunction and its Associated Risk Factors: An Epidemiological Study in the North-East of Iran. , 4(1), 498-505. doi: 10.22038/jmrh.2016.6041
Reza Jafarzadeh Esfehani; Nasrin Fazel; Sareh Dashti; Sedigheh Moshkani; Faezeh Haghighi Hasanabad; Samira Foji; Batool Kamalimanesh. "Female Sexual Dysfunction and its Associated Risk Factors: An Epidemiological Study in the North-East of Iran". , 4, 1, 1394, 498-505. doi: 10.22038/jmrh.2016.6041
Jafarzadeh Esfehani, Reza, Fazel, Nasrin, Dashti, Sareh, Moshkani, Sedigheh, Haghighi Hasanabad, Faezeh, Foji, Samira, Kamalimanesh, Batool. (1394). 'Female Sexual Dysfunction and its Associated Risk Factors: An Epidemiological Study in the North-East of Iran', , 4(1), pp. 498-505. doi: 10.22038/jmrh.2016.6041
Jafarzadeh Esfehani, Reza, Fazel, Nasrin, Dashti, Sareh, Moshkani, Sedigheh, Haghighi Hasanabad, Faezeh, Foji, Samira, Kamalimanesh, Batool. Female Sexual Dysfunction and its Associated Risk Factors: An Epidemiological Study in the North-East of Iran. , 1394; 4(1): 498-505. doi: 10.22038/jmrh.2016.6041