سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مشهد

Eshraghi-Jazi, Fatemeh, Alaei, Hojjatallah, Azizi-Malekabadi, Hamid, Gharavi-Naini, Mahin, Pilehvarian, Aliasghar, ciahmard, Zahra. (1390). The effect of red grape juice and exercise, and their combination on parkinson’s disease in rats. , 2(2), 90-96. doi: 10.22038/ajp.2012.39
Fatemeh Eshraghi-Jazi; Hojjatallah Alaei; Hamid Azizi-Malekabadi; Mahin Gharavi-Naini; Aliasghar Pilehvarian; Zahra ciahmard. "The effect of red grape juice and exercise, and their combination on parkinson’s disease in rats". , 2, 2, 1390, 90-96. doi: 10.22038/ajp.2012.39
Eshraghi-Jazi, Fatemeh, Alaei, Hojjatallah, Azizi-Malekabadi, Hamid, Gharavi-Naini, Mahin, Pilehvarian, Aliasghar, ciahmard, Zahra. (1390). 'The effect of red grape juice and exercise, and their combination on parkinson’s disease in rats', , 2(2), pp. 90-96. doi: 10.22038/ajp.2012.39
Eshraghi-Jazi, Fatemeh, Alaei, Hojjatallah, Azizi-Malekabadi, Hamid, Gharavi-Naini, Mahin, Pilehvarian, Aliasghar, ciahmard, Zahra. The effect of red grape juice and exercise, and their combination on parkinson’s disease in rats. , 1390; 2(2): 90-96. doi: 10.22038/ajp.2012.39