سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مشهد

Namakin, Kokab, Saadatinasab, Zohre, Salehiniya, Hamid, Zardast, Amirhosein. (1402). Comparing the Growth and Development of Six Months Infants between the Mothers With/Without Covid-19 during Their Pregnancy. , 11(4), 17558-17571. doi: 10.22038/ijp.2023.69768.5148
Kokab Namakin; Zohre Saadatinasab; Hamid Salehiniya; Amirhosein Zardast. "Comparing the Growth and Development of Six Months Infants between the Mothers With/Without Covid-19 during Their Pregnancy". , 11, 4, 1402, 17558-17571. doi: 10.22038/ijp.2023.69768.5148
Namakin, Kokab, Saadatinasab, Zohre, Salehiniya, Hamid, Zardast, Amirhosein. (1402). 'Comparing the Growth and Development of Six Months Infants between the Mothers With/Without Covid-19 during Their Pregnancy', , 11(4), pp. 17558-17571. doi: 10.22038/ijp.2023.69768.5148
Namakin, Kokab, Saadatinasab, Zohre, Salehiniya, Hamid, Zardast, Amirhosein. Comparing the Growth and Development of Six Months Infants between the Mothers With/Without Covid-19 during Their Pregnancy. , 1402; 11(4): 17558-17571. doi: 10.22038/ijp.2023.69768.5148