سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مشهد

Jahani, Maryam, Akaberi, Maryam, Heidari, Tahereh, Kamali, Hossein, Nejabat, Mozhgan, Rajabi, Omid, Hadizadeh, Farzin. (1401). Simultaneous determination of mometasone furoate and calcipotriol in a binary mixture by validated HPLC and chemometric-assisted UV spectrophotometric methods and identification of degradation products by LC-MS. , 26(1), 37-47. doi: 10.22038/ijbms.2022.65436.14396
Maryam Jahani; Maryam Akaberi; Tahereh Heidari; Hossein Kamali; Mozhgan Nejabat; Omid Rajabi; Farzin Hadizadeh. "Simultaneous determination of mometasone furoate and calcipotriol in a binary mixture by validated HPLC and chemometric-assisted UV spectrophotometric methods and identification of degradation products by LC-MS". , 26, 1, 1401, 37-47. doi: 10.22038/ijbms.2022.65436.14396
Jahani, Maryam, Akaberi, Maryam, Heidari, Tahereh, Kamali, Hossein, Nejabat, Mozhgan, Rajabi, Omid, Hadizadeh, Farzin. (1401). 'Simultaneous determination of mometasone furoate and calcipotriol in a binary mixture by validated HPLC and chemometric-assisted UV spectrophotometric methods and identification of degradation products by LC-MS', , 26(1), pp. 37-47. doi: 10.22038/ijbms.2022.65436.14396
Jahani, Maryam, Akaberi, Maryam, Heidari, Tahereh, Kamali, Hossein, Nejabat, Mozhgan, Rajabi, Omid, Hadizadeh, Farzin. Simultaneous determination of mometasone furoate and calcipotriol in a binary mixture by validated HPLC and chemometric-assisted UV spectrophotometric methods and identification of degradation products by LC-MS. , 1401; 26(1): 37-47. doi: 10.22038/ijbms.2022.65436.14396