سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مشهد

Ebrahimzadeh, Mohammad H, Vahedi, Ehsan, Ganji, Rashid, Bozorgnia, Shahram. (1392). Skeletal Sarcoma on the Site of Retained War Bullet Fragments and a Literature Review on Long-Term Complications of Retained War Shells. , 1(2), 107-111. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2013.2084
Mohammad H Ebrahimzadeh; Ehsan Vahedi; Rashid Ganji; Shahram Bozorgnia. "Skeletal Sarcoma on the Site of Retained War Bullet Fragments and a Literature Review on Long-Term Complications of Retained War Shells". , 1, 2, 1392, 107-111. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2013.2084
Ebrahimzadeh, Mohammad H, Vahedi, Ehsan, Ganji, Rashid, Bozorgnia, Shahram. (1392). 'Skeletal Sarcoma on the Site of Retained War Bullet Fragments and a Literature Review on Long-Term Complications of Retained War Shells', , 1(2), pp. 107-111. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2013.2084
Ebrahimzadeh, Mohammad H, Vahedi, Ehsan, Ganji, Rashid, Bozorgnia, Shahram. Skeletal Sarcoma on the Site of Retained War Bullet Fragments and a Literature Review on Long-Term Complications of Retained War Shells. , 1392; 1(2): 107-111. doi: 10.22038/abjs.2013.2084