Harsvardhan, Rajesh, Mehrotra, Ayush, Agarwal, Amit, Sharma, Pulak, Pandey, Gaurav, Behari, Anu. (1401). Assessment of Human Factors & Ergonomics effecting Patient Safety Culture in a Tertiary Healthcare setting of a South Asian country. , 10(2), 71-82. doi: 10.22038/psj.2022.66344.1364
Rajesh Harsvardhan; Ayush Mehrotra; Amit Agarwal; Pulak Sharma; Gaurav Pandey; Anu Behari. "Assessment of Human Factors & Ergonomics effecting Patient Safety Culture in a Tertiary Healthcare setting of a South Asian country". , 10, 2, 1401, 71-82. doi: 10.22038/psj.2022.66344.1364
Harsvardhan, Rajesh, Mehrotra, Ayush, Agarwal, Amit, Sharma, Pulak, Pandey, Gaurav, Behari, Anu. (1401). 'Assessment of Human Factors & Ergonomics effecting Patient Safety Culture in a Tertiary Healthcare setting of a South Asian country', , 10(2), pp. 71-82. doi: 10.22038/psj.2022.66344.1364
Harsvardhan, Rajesh, Mehrotra, Ayush, Agarwal, Amit, Sharma, Pulak, Pandey, Gaurav, Behari, Anu. Assessment of Human Factors & Ergonomics effecting Patient Safety Culture in a Tertiary Healthcare setting of a South Asian country. , 1401; 10(2): 71-82. doi: 10.22038/psj.2022.66344.1364
Assessment of Human Factors & Ergonomics effecting Patient Safety Culture in a Tertiary Healthcare setting of a South Asian country
1Head, Deptt. of Hospital Administration, SGPGIMS, Lucknow.
2Resident Administrator, Dr. RMLIMS, Lucknow.
3Professor, Deptt. of Endocrine Surgery, SGPGIMS, Lucknow.
4Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Orthopaedics, SGPGIMS, Lucknow.
5Associate Professor, Deptt. of Gastroenterology, SGPGIMS, Lucknow.
6Professor, Deptt. of Surgical Gastroenterology, SGPGIMS, Lucknow.
Introduction: The Patient Safety (PS) movement dates back to the 1950s, but in recent decades has caught up in swift momentum and is also influencing the Indian healthcare scenario - a lot of work has been done on the global scenario and we are just catching up.
Materials & Methodology: This baseline study assesses the current status of Human Factors & Ergonomics w.r.t. Patient Safety Culture in a tertiary healthcare institution of Northern India within a study population of Doctors (Faculty & Resident), Nursing Staff (Graduates & Undergraduates), and Technicians - a first of its kind for the region. The overall response rate was obtained on the (customized & validated) Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC) toolkit.
Result: The overall response rate came to 75.7% and the composite Patient Safety Culture score was 46.35% (with internal variations).
Conclusion: This calls for introspection to lift the overall standards of PS and PSC and to build further upon them.
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