سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مشهد

Nejadsadeghi, Elham, Loeloe, Mohammad Sadegh, Rabiei, Seyed Mohamad Reza, Bakhshesh, Leila. (1401). Factors Affecting Oral Health Self-Care Behaviors in Seventh Grade Students in Behbahan City: An Application of the Health Belief Model. , 10(4), 15835-15841. doi: 10.22038/ijp.2022.63107.4822
Elham Nejadsadeghi; Mohammad Sadegh Loeloe; Seyed Mohamad Reza Rabiei; Leila Bakhshesh. "Factors Affecting Oral Health Self-Care Behaviors in Seventh Grade Students in Behbahan City: An Application of the Health Belief Model". , 10, 4, 1401, 15835-15841. doi: 10.22038/ijp.2022.63107.4822
Nejadsadeghi, Elham, Loeloe, Mohammad Sadegh, Rabiei, Seyed Mohamad Reza, Bakhshesh, Leila. (1401). 'Factors Affecting Oral Health Self-Care Behaviors in Seventh Grade Students in Behbahan City: An Application of the Health Belief Model', , 10(4), pp. 15835-15841. doi: 10.22038/ijp.2022.63107.4822
Nejadsadeghi, Elham, Loeloe, Mohammad Sadegh, Rabiei, Seyed Mohamad Reza, Bakhshesh, Leila. Factors Affecting Oral Health Self-Care Behaviors in Seventh Grade Students in Behbahan City: An Application of the Health Belief Model. , 1401; 10(4): 15835-15841. doi: 10.22038/ijp.2022.63107.4822