سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مشهد

Amrollahi Beyooki, Atiyeh, Sepahmansour, Mojgan, Ghanbaipanah, Afsaneh. (1399). Structural Model of Students' Academic Motivation based on the Teacher-Student Relationship, School Attachment, and Metacognitive Awareness through Self-Mediation. , 9(2), 13077-13090. doi: 10.22038/ijp.2020.49977.3988
Atiyeh Amrollahi Beyooki; Mojgan Sepahmansour; Afsaneh Ghanbaipanah. "Structural Model of Students' Academic Motivation based on the Teacher-Student Relationship, School Attachment, and Metacognitive Awareness through Self-Mediation". , 9, 2, 1399, 13077-13090. doi: 10.22038/ijp.2020.49977.3988
Amrollahi Beyooki, Atiyeh, Sepahmansour, Mojgan, Ghanbaipanah, Afsaneh. (1399). 'Structural Model of Students' Academic Motivation based on the Teacher-Student Relationship, School Attachment, and Metacognitive Awareness through Self-Mediation', , 9(2), pp. 13077-13090. doi: 10.22038/ijp.2020.49977.3988
Amrollahi Beyooki, Atiyeh, Sepahmansour, Mojgan, Ghanbaipanah, Afsaneh. Structural Model of Students' Academic Motivation based on the Teacher-Student Relationship, School Attachment, and Metacognitive Awareness through Self-Mediation. , 1399; 9(2): 13077-13090. doi: 10.22038/ijp.2020.49977.3988