سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی مشهد

Taheri Moghadam, Mahin, Asadi Fard, Yousef, saki, Ghasem, Nikbakht, Roshan. (1398). Effect of vitamin D on apoptotic marker, reactive oxygen species and human sperm parameters during the process of cryopreservation. , 22(9), 1036-1043. doi: 10.22038/ijbms.2019.36258.8634
Mahin Taheri Moghadam; Yousef Asadi Fard; Ghasem saki; Roshan Nikbakht. "Effect of vitamin D on apoptotic marker, reactive oxygen species and human sperm parameters during the process of cryopreservation". , 22, 9, 1398, 1036-1043. doi: 10.22038/ijbms.2019.36258.8634
Taheri Moghadam, Mahin, Asadi Fard, Yousef, saki, Ghasem, Nikbakht, Roshan. (1398). 'Effect of vitamin D on apoptotic marker, reactive oxygen species and human sperm parameters during the process of cryopreservation', , 22(9), pp. 1036-1043. doi: 10.22038/ijbms.2019.36258.8634
Taheri Moghadam, Mahin, Asadi Fard, Yousef, saki, Ghasem, Nikbakht, Roshan. Effect of vitamin D on apoptotic marker, reactive oxygen species and human sperm parameters during the process of cryopreservation. , 1398; 22(9): 1036-1043. doi: 10.22038/ijbms.2019.36258.8634